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Event Date

Dec 11, 2023


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logo for Long Beach Leadership: How to Create Genuine and Sincere Employee Loyalty?

Long Beach Leadership: How to Create Genuine and Sincere Employee Loyalty?

Long Beach Leadership offers leadership seminars, workshops, and keynotes to help business leaders develop genuine employee loyalty. Led by Coach Michael Lin, their programs focus on topics such as delegation skills, motivating employees, and managing younger employees. They aim to help managers and business owners create personal loyalty from their employees and build a real bond among team members.
Long Beach Leadership is an organization that offers leadership seminars, workshops, and keynotes to help business leaders develop genuine and sincere employee loyalty. Led by Coach Michael Lin, the organization specializes in helping first-time leaders in the business world. Their programs focus on topics such as delegation skills, motivating and inspiring employees, overcoming resistance to change, and managing different types of younger employees. The organization aims to help managers and business owners create personal loyalty from their employees and build a real bond among team members. Their offerings include on-demand webinars and evergreen leadership secrets series. The target audience for Long Beach Leadership includes managers, business owners, and anyone managing a team of employees or managers. Thousands of business leaders from various industries have attended their seminars, workshops, and coaching sessions.
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